The question that everyone asks is, does green tea burn fat? It does, but the question should be, does green tea burn other things besides fat? There are many chemicals that can burn calories and fat when you use them. In this article, we'll look at a few of those chemicals and what they can do for your body.

First, lets look at how green tea actually burns fat. When you drink it or take green tea supplements, it does contain some caffeine. This caffeine acts like a natural stimulant. As a weight loss agent, green tea does seem to have some very marked effects, especially in people who don't consume too much caffeine on a regular basis, up to a certain level called a caffeine tolerance. In other words, a person may drink two cups of green tea every day and lose weight. But if they then took a half cup, they would experience a withdrawal and gain back the weight they lost.
So, yes, green teas can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, but there are other ways that caffeine works in the body. Yes, it will increase your metabolism, but it also has the effect of causing thermogenesis, or the process of using up more energy than your body uses in a short amount of time (think about an athlete running at a super high speed for a long period of time). This is the same mechanism as your body burning off the fat during exercise. Of course, the faster you can get the move, the better your workout and fat burning will be.
Can green tea help you lose fat while you are still exercising? Yes, it can. As noted above, when you consume caffeine regularly, your body produces more energy. However, this increased energy production does not last very long. So, after you complete your workout, your body stops burning fat, but the extra energy consumed during your rest periods can go to other sources, including the re-growth of muscles.
How about weight loss supplements? Do they contain green tea extract? One of the most popular forms of weight loss supplement contains green tea extracts along with a number of other ingredients. The most popular one contains Cayenne pepper, which is known to be an appetite suppressant. Another popular ingredient is ephedra, which has been used for years to treat ailments including asthma and cardiovascular problems.
Although ephedra has gained a lot of fame in recent years for its ability to help people lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time, it can also cause some serious side effects. Ephedra is actually derived from the plant Ephedra sinica. That plant is only found in certain parts of the world, and it's very difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities for regular use. So, even though green tea extract may be an effective addition to a healthy diet, it would not be a good choice for anyone who is currently taking any medications or other dietary supplements.
Does green tea have any other health benefits besides weight loss? In addition to helping you lose weight, it can also help protect your heart. Some research has shown that catechins, the main compounds in green tea, have antioxidant activity. Antioxidants can reduce the damage that free radicals cause in your cells and in your arteries.
Finally, drinking just one cup of green tea per day is not likely to cause weight loss. In order to lose weight, you need to eat more calories than you burn each day. In other words, in order to maximize your weight loss potential, you need to consume adequate amounts of food, not just calories, but nutrients as well. However, if you consume caffeine in moderation, you can reap the green tea fat loss benefits without running the risk of running your body beyond capacity.
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